Proof of the following immunizations, in accordance with New Jersey State Department of Health and signed by a physician is needed in order to enter school. Proof of immunizations must be available on registration day. Those children transferring into a New Jersey school from out of state/out of country may be allowed a 30-day grace period in order to obtain past immunization documentation.
a. Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus (D.P.T.), total of four doses, one dose of which must have been given on or after child's fourth birthday, or any combination of five doses.
b. Polio vaccine – total of three doses, with one dose on or after the child's 4th birthday, or any combination of four doses.
c. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (M.M.R.), 2 doses.
d. Hepatitis B – three doses of any vaccine combination containing Hepatitis B.
e. Varicella – one dose on or after the first birthday or proof of disease immunity.
A current physical examination within the past year is required of all children who enter the school. This should be completed by your family doctor or pediatrician.
It is also recommended your child have a dental examination before entering school.