Welcome to the Marlton Elementary School
Library Page!
Click on Mrs. Nigro's Bitmoji to access Destiny Discover- The MES Online Library Catalog
Mrs. Nigro's Symbaloo
Circulation Policy
Grades K & 1 may check out 1 book per week
Grades 2 through 5 may check out 2 books per week
General Library Policies for all students:
-Students will be respectful of all materials, technology, and other visitors in the Media Center.
-All students may take out additional materials for class projects by speaking to Mrs. Nigro
-Students are welcome to visit the library at any time with teacher permission.
-Students who have not returned late items will be unable to check out new titles until overdue items are returned.
-No student will not be charged late fines.
-Fees are only collected for lost or damaged items.
Donation Policy:
We love donated books, but please be aware of these guidelines before donating any materials!
-The Media Center accepts donations of new or gently used materials.
-Any student, teacher, or parent may donate materials to the library.
-Materials include: books, audiobooks, or DVDs.
-We will not accept torn, damaged, or any age-inappropriate materials.
If you have any questions for Mrs. Nigro, please contact her at:
[email protected]
(856) 988-9811 x 8605